Monday, October 17, 2016

Teachings about Christ

I've learned many things from studying the Book of Mormon this year in my class at BYU. Here are a few of the things I've learned or have studied once again...

1. Christ in Isaiah! If you simply skim through Isaiah and don't get much out of the teachings but a few abstract symbols you have missed the point, because "if you missed Christ in Isaiah you missed Isaiah." I am no expert, but I have begun to understand Isaiah through his patterns and repetition. I've learned to understand more each day by understanding that Isaiah is set up in symbolic repetition.

2.  Almost all things are through Jesus Christ. The church of Jesus Christ delegates to Christ. He is our redeemer, light, life, cornerstone, teacher, etc. Nearly everything leads us to Christ, but it's crucial to recognize that one thing is reserved for our God. We begin our prayers with something around the lines of "Dear Heavenly Father..." The prayers we offer are in the name of Jesus Christ, but we are talking with God our Heavenly Father creating an open line of communication between us.

3. Jesus is our Father! This might raise confusion and suspicion in the beginning but stay with me. A father helps create or gives the opportunity of a new life. Let's go through the fathers in each of our lives: Heavenly father gives a new spirit life in the beginning and your earthly father helps give you a new body creating a new life. Finally Jesus Christ gives you new life through the resurrection creating the opportunity for eternal life and a spiritual rebirth. Jesus Christ ultimately eternalizes our relationships with our earthly father (dad) and Heavenly Father.

4. Christ is always there for us. He's our brother, friend, comforter, father, etc. Christ understands each challenge you struggle with, temptation you face, and the overwhelming joy you can feel through the atonement. Talk with him, learn of him, and preach of his words and example. Help others find the joys in the gospel and the benefits and comfort felt from Jesus Christ.

"Love is the very essence of the gospel 
  and Jesus Christ is our exemplar"
I love you all! 
Melissa Longhurst

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