Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Preparing for Conference!

I attended a scripture study/ gospel discussion group in my ward this week, and we studied and discussed 3 Nephi 1-7. The question was asked: How do we refrain from turning into these people? The response I found came from 3 Nephi 2:1, when it says "... the people began to forget those signs and wonders which they had heard, and began to be less and less astonished at a sign or a wonder from heaven..." thus without remembering the importance of amazing guidance and power shown before us we will suffer and fall into their path of transgression. We must instead keep each prompting and sign from God as astonishing as the first. To continue to show our appreciation for the miracles and promptings God blesses us with we can write down our spiritual experiences, listen to promptings, and much more.

Therefore, still on my mind I connected this topic to sacrament meeting. The talks were focused on preparing for conference in a few different ways, like preparing our hearts. I related this to the discussion earlier, for General Conference is a great opportunity to  hear the words of God through the quorum of the twelve apostles and prophets. Sometimes we need a reminder that General Conference is astonishing and we can receive more of our Heavenly Father's words through a small preparation before and actively listening and seeking for answers.

I discovered one more way to get the most out of conference. My friend, Allie, on Sunday mentioned how a speaker in her sacrament meeting gave some ideas for how to get the most out of conference. Allie paraphrased the speakers words and stated that we need not write all the words of the apostles and attempt to copy down every quote. for the stories and talks will be printed shortly after. But remembering the past remains difficult-but a different tactic might be to write down and record what stands out to you as the scriptures answer questions you've asked.

Their are many ways to prepare for Conference, and various ways to stay focused and get the most out of it.
Find what works best for you and ENJOY CONFERENCE!

Much Love,
Melissa Longhurst
Live Laugh Love Life

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